On further research, it appears to be related to max_page_count being
exceeded during insertion of a row, leaving behind a primary key reference
in the (primary key) index on the BLOB instead of being cleaned up during

On 7/24/07, Andrew Finkenstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Using 3.4.0 or 3.4.1 compiled for windows with -DMULTITHREAD, i seem to
have a problem where sqlite3_step() will return SQLITE_ROW even when there
are, in fact, no rows that meet the WHERE clause criteria.  I'm currently
attempting a reversion to 3.3.17 to see how it behaved.

create table file_data
( rod blob not null primary key /* always 20 bytes long based on a
collision-resistant hash function */
, file_size integer not null
, compression_method integer not null
, the_data blob not null

sqlite3_prepare(..., "select file_size, compression_method from file_data
where rod = ?");
sqlite3_bind_blob(...,0, ptr, len);

sqlite3_step returned SQLITE_ROW, which was my indication that the result
set would be non-empty.  So I construct a query_result(statement, bool
at_end=false), and then execute

sqlite3_get_int64(..., first_column, null=-1)

and I get back -1.  Before I was passing in null=-1 I was passing in =0,
which was a permissible value for file_size.

** keep in mind that my exact sqlite3_api calls might be slightly
different, since I have a C++ framework that isolates me from having to
continually remember the same API calls.  Suffice it to say this code worked
(so far as I knew) under 3.3.17.


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