"David Crawshaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if it would be possible to include fts2 in the
> amalgamated version of the source code. It looks like all that needs
> to be done is add
>     tclsh $(TOP)/ext/fts2/mkfts2amal.tcl
> to the end of the target_source target in Makefile.in and then add
>     fts2amal.c
> to the end of the "foreach file" loop in tool/mksqlite3c.tcl. I
> hesitate because with the scripts effectively written for this, there
> is probably a reason why fts2 has been omitted.

The reason fts2 is omitted is that there are name collisions
between internal symbols of fts2 and the SQLite core.  So the
two entities cannot exist in the same translation unit.  I've
been meaning to go in and resolve the conflicts, but have not
gotten around to that yet.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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