--- Rohit Mordani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So just to confirm - the Select structure (Select *p) is populated after the
> call to sqlite3Select() method right?

No.  sqlite3Select() uses the Select tree - it does not produce it.

See parse.y for the parser that builds the Select tree.
See also sqlite3Prepare() which calls sqlite3RunParser().

The rest you'll have to figure out on your own.

$ gdb ./sqlite3
(gdb) b sqlite3Select
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8088925: file ./src/select.c, line 2901.
(gdb) run
SQLite version 3.4.1
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> select * from sqlite_master;

Breakpoint 1, sqlite3Select (pParse=0xbf9ebfc8, p=0x80a0ff8, eDest=4, iParm=0,
    pParent=0x0, parentTab=0, pParentAgg=0x0, aff=0x0) at ./src/select.c:2901
2901      if( p==0 || sqlite3MallocFailed() || pParse->nErr ){
(gdb) p *p
$1 = {pEList = 0x80a0f58, op = 110 'n', isDistinct = 0 '\0',
  isResolved = 0 '\0', isAgg = 0 '\0', usesEphm = 0 '\0',
  disallowOrderBy = 0 '\0', affinity = 0 '\0', pSrc = 0x80a0fa8, pWhere = 0x0,
  pGroupBy = 0x0, pHaving = 0x0, pOrderBy = 0x0, pPrior = 0x0,
  pRightmost = 0x0, pLimit = 0x0, pOffset = 0x0, iLimit = -1, iOffset = -1,
  addrOpenEphm = {-1, -1, -1}}

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