>> > In fts tables all columns other than rowid are of type TEXT.  It
>> > doesn't matter what you put in the type, they will be of type TEXT.
>> > The rowid is the standard SQLite rowid, so it does provide an INTEGER

>> Scott, thanks for your reply.  However, it seems that by default, the
>> magic ROWID column is of the eternally-unique variety; rather, it is
>> of the currently-unique variety:

> As it currently stands, fts2 (and fts1, if you ever do a delete) is
> broken if you use VACUUM.

Hi, Scott...

Thanks for your reply, but, I must not be getting something here...
What does VACUUM have to do with this?  Is the bit I'm missing that
currently-unique ROWID's are eternally-unique if you never VACUUM?

If this is the case, however, fixing FTS2 so it works with VACUUM
won't (I believe) actually solve my problem, will it?  How would I go
about creating a column in an FTS2 table such that each INSERT puts an
eternally-unique value in that cell, and these values never, ever get
reused for the life of the table?

Thanks again,

  - a

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