1. Use bind vars... prepare the statement once, execute it many times
binding values each time.

1a. Drop the index.

2. Use a transaction.

3. Commit every <whatever your tolerance>. In your case with only
10,000 recs, I would commit only at the very end.

4. Build the index at the end.

Really, 10k recs should insert in a coupla seconds.

On 8/3/07, Stephen Sutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>   Here's My Situation:
>   -------------------------------------
>   I have an XML file which contains user created data. It can have maybe 
> 10,000 or more nodes. The XML needs to be queried infrequently for use in the 
> application, in a way that lends itself more to SQL. For example the only 
> query that I will use is
>   "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE BookID IN 
> (2,3,4,5,7,8,23,24,25,26,27,38,67,66)"
>   That's a good example. The IN parameters can vary with numbers ranging form 
> 1 to 66.
>   ---------------------------------------
>   So I decided to pull all the XML nodes into the Sqlite3 databse at 
> application start up.
>   But I have discovered some slowness.
>   So far I have simply reused the quick start code.
>   I modified it to do the following:
>   1. Open the Database.
>   2. Drop the 2 tables if they exist in the database
>   3. Created 2 tables if not exist -  Lookup_BookID and Question
>   LookupID has a primary key on BookID and Question has no index.
>   4. Then I simply insert 66 records into lookup_bookID at application start 
> up.
>   Well simply by inserting 66 3 field records into my LookupID , I count 7 
> seconds.
>    So it makes me a bit concerned that when I have to drop my XML repository 
> with 7,000 to 10,000 records it will take forever at application start up ?
>   Is there a way to execute all these inserts much faster than I am currently 
> doing ?
>   I am currently simply using sqlite3_exec(db, "INSERT SQL STATEMENT ", ... 
> etc etc )
>   for every single insert statement.
>   Is there away to maximize this speed dramatically to do 10,000 inserts in 
> less than 5 seconds.
>   Thanks
>   Stephen
> ---------------------------------
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Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org/education/
S&T Policy Fellow, National Academy of Sciences http://www.nas.edu/
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