hi group,

i have several small questions for the group any
experiences or thoughts shared would be greatly

1) anybody used sqlite as a sql server? i'm thinking
of say using the embedded sqlite in PHP5 or similar.

2) anybody ever implemented something like a single
process of sqlite doing queries for a lot of networked

3) how big has your sqlite database grown? have you had any trouble
managing the db? any bad experiences as to stability of
the db file?

i am asking all of these is because i'm seriously considering
sqlite to be used as my sql server for a project.

how i'll implement it looks something like this:

components of app:
embedded web server
some scripting language

there will only be one sqlite process which will be forked
when the web server is launched. queries to sqlite will
be sent to the sqlite process via sockets.

i can see that the queries will be sequential. no problems
there. i'm not worried with speed at the moment. i just want
to know if this has been done before and i'd like
to solicit wisdom from the group.

thank you.


no sig

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