On 09/08/07, Paul Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone please explain why adding the auto_increment term seems to
> STOP the auto_increment behaviour?
> $ sqlite3
> SQLite version 3.3.17
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> .headers on
> sqlite> create table abc (id integer auto_increment primary key, value text);
> sqlite> insert into abc (value) values ('justvalue');
> sqlite> insert into abc (id,value) values (null,'withid');
> sqlite> select * from abc;
> id|value
> |justvalue
> |withid
> sqlite> create table def (id integer primary key, value text);
> sqlite> insert into def (value) values ('justvalue');
> sqlite> insert into def (id,value) values (null,'withid');
> sqlite> select * from def;
> id|value
> 1|justvalue
> 2|withid
> sqlite>
> Note that abc (the one with auto_increment) does NOT fill in the id
> primary key.  Baffling to anyone except for me?
> thanks
> Paul

I dislike answering myself, but no sooner I had sent that email, I tried this:

sqlite> create table ghi (id integer primary key autoincrement, value text);
sqlite> insert into ghi (value) values ('justvalue');
sqlite> insert into ghi (id,value) values (null,'withid');
sqlite> select * from ghi;

so, why doesn't auto_increment do either of the following more sensible things:
1) throw an error
2) do what "autoincrement" does



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