When using sqlite3_bind_text() (or a similar function) with SQLITE_STATIC, how long does the pointer have to remain valid? As long as the sqlite3_stmt is not finalized?

It is clear to me the following will cause no problem:

sqlite3_bind_text (stmt, column, "some text", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

But what about this:

void some_func (const char* text)
   sqlite3_stmt *stmt = 0;
   sqlite3_prepare_v2 (db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
   sqlite3_bind_text (stmt, column, text, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
   sqlite3_step (stmt);
   sqlite3_finalize (stmt);

In this case the pointer remains unchanged as long as the statement is valid, but it can change afterwards. Is that a problem and should I use SQLITE_TRANSIENT here?

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