Hi all,

Short version of question:

I frequently want to alter view definitions, such as renaming them or changing the column definitions. The only way to do this is to drop the old trigger and create a new one (eg with the same name). The problem is that when I do this, any associated triggers are deleted by SQLite. What's the best way to keep the associated triggers?

Long version of question:

I can rename or add a column to a table (using SQLite's "alter table" command"). But to rename or add a column to a view I have to drop the view and recreate it. And if I want to to alter existing columns in a table, I have to drop the table and recreate it. That's fine, I can cope with that.

My problem is that, to my mind, SQLite seems inconsistent in how it deals with triggers compared to views, when a precedent table or view is deleted. Here are the actions I take and the effects in SQLite:

Action Effect on associated views Effect on associated triggers ------ -------------------------- ----------------------------- Rename table None Rename table references
Drop table             None                               Delete trigger
Drop view              None                               Delete trigger

I would rather than SQLite consistently did not change any dependent triggers when I changed a precedent table or view (ie "none" in all the grid cells above). That would be consistent with how it treats dependent views. ie SQLite seems happy to keep views that no longer link to anything, but not triggers. And it's easier for me to explicitly delete triggers, if I want to, than try to find out what triggers will be affected, cache them somehow, perform my action, and reconstitute the triggers.

As a specific case, when I want to change existing columns in a table or view, the only way to do that in SQLite is to cache the old definition, drop the table or view, edit the cached definition (changing the columns) and recreate it. That's fine. But now all the associated triggers have disappeared. Or, in psuedo code:

set viewDefinition to SQLExec( "select sql from sqlite_master where name = 'MyView';" )
SQLExec( "drop view 'MyView';" )
set viewDefinition to ChangeColumnDefinitions( viewDefinition )
SQLExec( viewDefinition )

As mentioned, all the associated triggers are deleted. IS there a way to systematically locate and keep them? Such as:

set viewDefinition to SQLExec( "select sql || ';' from sqlite_master where type = 'view' and name = 'MyView';" ) set triggerDefinitions to SQLExec( "select sql || ';' from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger' and sql like '%on MyView%';" )
SQLExec( "drop view 'MyView';" )
set viewDefinition to ChangeColumnDefinitions( viewDefinition )
SQLExec( viewDefinition )
SQLExec( triggerDefinitions )

However, that would fail because the test "like '%on MyView%'" is not robust or accurate enough.

Any other ideas or comments? How do you approach the issue, or don't you have the need to alter views with associated triggers?


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