The sqlite3_prepare API call compiles the SQL to a target code called VDBE. The VDBE code is executed by the Sqlite VDBE engine. Once compiled the VDBE may e reused.

Mina R Waheeb wrote:
  Yes, You are right. How SQLite will know the position of the row 990
unless it ordered by indexed field.

That takes me to another point, How SQLite exactly interpret the query, I
read in the documentation "After the parser assembles tokens into complete
SQL statements, it calls the code generator to produce virtual machine code
that will do the work that the SQL statements request", And in another part
"The program generated by the code generator is executed by the virtual

So, I have two questions about that mechanism of executing the quires:
- What is the language type that's the code generator is generating?
- Can i skip the SQL parsing and provide ready compiled statement to be
executed by the VM and tells SQLite what exactly to do, Not what the
generator understands from my SQL.?

I know if it possible writing pre-compiled quires may cause compatiblity
problems with the SQLite future releases but please let me know if it


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