Hi Simon,

Here's a less gruesome version - no cases. I've given no thought to performance comparisons.

Thanks for the two great solutions you posted. They certainly achieve the desired result with the simplified sample I gave. However, in the broader reality, it doesn't quite satisfy my situation since the rowids aren't necessarily in the order that they appear in the final view.

Here's a broader example.

Say I have a timetable like this:

rowid   Day       Period   Teacher    Room    Subject
1       Tuesday   1        Peters      A2     Maths
2       Monday    2        Peters      A2     Maths
3       Monday    1        Ng          A1     English
4       Monday    3        Peters      A2     Computing
5       Tuesday   3        Ng          A1     English
6       Tuesday   2        Ng          A1     History
7       Wednesday 4        Smith       S2     Science
8       Wednesday 3        Who         S2     Science
9       Monday    4        Kent        H1     Sport
10      Wednesday 2        Kent        H1     Sport
11      Tuesday   4        Ng          A1     History
12      Wednesday 1        Peters      A2     Maths

And I want to output something like this:

Day       Room     Subject    Teacher    Period
Monday    A1       English    Ng         1
          A2       Maths      Peters     2
                   Computing             3
          H1       Sport      Kent       4
Tuesday   A2       Maths      Peters     1
          A1       History    Ng         2
                   English               3
                   History               4
Wednesday A2       Maths      Peters     1
          H1       Sport      Kent       2
          S1       Science    Who        3
                              Smith      4

But with counts of repetitions, like this:

Day       Room     Subject      Teacher    Period
Monday    A1 1     English   1  Ng     1     1
          A2 2     Maths     1  Peters 2     2
                   Computing 1               3
          H1 1     Sport     1  Kent   1     4
Tuesday   A2 1     Maths     1  Peters 1     1
          A1 3     History   1  Ng     3     2
                   English   1               3
                   History   1               4
Wednesday A2 1     Maths     1  Peters 1     1
          H1 1     Sport     1  Kent   1     2
          S1 2     Science   2  Who    1     3
                                Smith  1     4

The "1" counts could even appear as null/blank, that would be fine.

The SQL for my sample Timetable above is:

create table Timetable
        Day text,
        Period integer,
        Teacher text,
        Room text,
        Subject text
insert into table values('Tuesday',1,'Peters','A2','Maths');
insert into table values('Monday',2,'Peters','A2','Maths');
insert into table values('Monday',1,'Ng','A1','English');
insert into table values('Monday',3,'Peters','A2','Computing');
insert into table values('Tuesday',3,'Ng','A1','English');
insert into table values('Tuesday',2,'Ng','A1','History');
insert into table values('Wednesday',4,'Smith','S2','Science');
insert into table values('Wednesday',3,'Who','S2','Science');
insert into table values('Monday',4,'Kent','H1','Sport');
insert into table values('Wednesday',2,'Kent','H1','Sport');
insert into table values('Tuesday',4,'Ng','A1','History');
insert into table values('Wednesday',1,'Peters','A2','Maths');

and a view that sorts the data is:

create view "Timetable Sorted"
select rowid, Day, Subject, Room, Teacher, Period
from Timetable
order by Day, Period

Thanks for any further insight you may have,

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