I have an application that attaches 7 databases and then does 
MANY updates to those databases (maybe a million or two inserts 
in a day, spread out over maybe 10,000 separate transactions).

For some reason the client is seeing many master journal files 
(<datbase file>-mj<random>) left lying around.  I'm asking for 
logs to see if there are any SQLite errors returned.  In the mean 
time, what would cause those files to not get deleted?  I'm quite 
sure the app isn't stopping while running.  One possible twist: I 
have two database handles to the set of 7 databases.  One is used 
only for SELECTS, while the other does INSERTS and SELECTS (made 
my wrapper easier to handle).  They are both only used from a 
single thread, and each action is atomic (ie the two handles are 
never used in an interleaved fashion--one has finalized all 
outstanding statements before the other is used).

This is 3.4.1 on Windows 2003.

Thanks for any ideas.


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