I was the one who packaged up extension-functions.tgz and posted on
contrib.  I didn't author the original code but I'd like to fix this up.
I'm not clear on what needs to be changed.  I gather that sqlite3utf8CharLen
and sqlite3CreateFunc shouldn't be used.  I'm not sure how to convert to use
the external API.  Anyone have a pointer?


On 8/2/07, Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Paul Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wanted to get a LOG10() function in sqlite3, and I found the
> > extension-functions.tgz file in http://sqlite.org/contrib
> >
> > I am using the all-in-one sqlite3.h/c version of sqlite3, and the
> > extension-functions files don't seem to fit at all.
> >
> > For example, it wants to call a function called sqlite3CreateFunc(),
> > which seems to have been renamed to sqlite3_create_function()
> >
> > Should I even bother trying to hack these files into shape, or has
> > sqlite3 changed so much that these files will only serve to introduce
> > bugs?
> The extension is somewhat out of date, but still usable.
> sqlite3CreateFunc is an internal sqlite function to register
> the extension functions, making it incompatible with a seperately
> compiled sqlite3.c. sqlite3utf8CharLen is another internal
> function used by the extension.
> You could convert all the registration functions to use the external
> API, or drop this file into sqlite/src and update the standard makefile.
> If you want to live on the edge, put map.h, map.c, func_ext.c,
> sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h in the same directory and run this:
> sed 's/sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(db);/& {extern void
> sqlite3RegisterExtraFunctions(sqlite3
> *db); sqlite3RegisterExtraFunctions(db);};/' sqlite3.c > sqlite3f.c
> echo "" >> sqlite3f.c
> echo "#include <errno.h>" >> sqlite3f.c
> echo "" >> sqlite3f.c
> sed 's/#include.*//' map.h map.c func_ext.c | \
>   sed 's/sqlite3utf8CharLen/sqlite3Utf8CharLen/' >> sqlite3f.c
> Then use sqlite3f.c instead of sqlite3.c to build your program.
> If you're on Windows, download and install Cygwin or MSYS to get these
> UNIX commands to build sqlite3f.c.
> # optional: build sqlite3 command-line shell.
> # shell.c must be in current directory.
> gcc sqlite3f.c shell.c -o sqlite3f
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