Unfortunately, the reason fts2 couldn't be "fixed" was because you
can't perform the necessary ALTER TABLE if the column you're adding is
a primary key.  Since the only alternative would be to build a new
table and copy everything over, it seemed more reasonable to just let
the app developer do that, rather than forcing it on them under the


On 8/31/07, Ralf Junker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This one just came to my mind:
> This promotes "rowid" to a visible column "rowid" which does not change 
> during a VACUUM. "rowid" is already a reserved word in SQLite. Maybe this 
> option is even compatible to FTS2?
> Ralf
> >ext/fts3.c in the current code fixes the fts2-vs-vacuum problem by
> >adding "docid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" to the %_content table.  This
> >becomes an alias for rowid, and thus causes vacuum to not renumber
> >rowids.  It is safe to add that column because the other columns in
> >%_content are constructed such that even the following:
> >
> >
> >will work fine.
> >
> >I'm considering whether I should take it one step further, and make
> >docid a reserved column name for fts3 tables.  My rational is that
> >fts3 rowids are not quite the same as the rowids of regular tables -
> >in fact, some use-cases would encourage users of fts3 to use rowids in
> >exactly the way that fts2 was inappropriately using them!
> >
> >docid would be a hidden column, like rowid.  That means that you'll
> >only see the column in SELECT and INSERT statements if you explicitly
> >reference it.  It would operate WRT rowid exactly as an INTEGER
> >PRIMARY KEY column would.
> >
> >Opinions?
> >
> >-scott
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