RaghavendraK 70574
Can anyone explain how does the below sql statmenent work,

select * from tbl1 where a=xx and b=yy;

when a is indexed and b is
indexed seperately?

The query can only use an index on one of the fields (the optimizer will try to guess which one).

I tried explain could not make out. Does it
select all records with t=111 and then do a search for b=222 with
in that set

Either that, or the other way round - use the index to find records with b=222, then scan them linearly to find those with t=111

From the trace below i don;t see idx1 being used.


This opens the table itself.


This opens one of the indexes (look in sqlite_master table to figure out which one). Again, only one index is used. You can also run this query:

explain query plan select * from test where t='111' and b='222';

The output summarizes which tables and which indexes are used to satisfy the request.

Igor Tandetnik

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