Hi all


Currently we use SQLite in several of our products (feel free to add us to
the companies page, Lexalytics - www.lexalytics.com) and are now looking at
replacing the fulltext engine in one of those projects with FTS.  We've done
some  testing etc (on fts2) and are pretty sure that it can handle the data
volumes but there are a couple of issues that are preventing us from making
the switch.  The first one I think is solvable, the second I'm less sure on
and I'm looking for some guidance / hints.


1)       We need to be able to index items such as AT&T, this seems like
it's a case of replacing the default tokeniser with our own implementation

2)       A NEAR query operator  so we can do things like 'foo NEAR10 bar'
which will bring back all documents that have bar within 10 words of foo
(either direction).  This is the one that I'm really not sure on and having
looked at the code don't really have a clue where to start.


Precedence operators would also be nice but at the moment we can live
without them J


Any help or pointers greatly received.  Any code that we write on this will
be donated back to the project, its been a great help to us over the past
year, only fair to give something back.



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