--- Kipp Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah hah!  That got it.  vacuum is creating temporary files in /tmp, but on 
> the computers in question /tmp is mounted on a really small file system 
> and it's getting filled by whatever vacuum is doing there.  Thanks!

See also:

  PRAGMA temp_store_directory = 'directory-name';

> Doesn't explain the occasional segfault, but I can't reproduce those 
> easily.  I'll keep my eye out.  Probably something that only happens in 
> the out-of-disk-space code path, so I might not see it again after I'm 
> not running out of disk space.  OK, great, thanks again.

See if you can catch the crash with valgrind with insufficient temp_store space.
If so, post its output to the list.

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