On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 15:39:06 +0200, you wrote:

>I created an index on a TEXT column as I want to be able to
>I noticed a large increase in the file size.
>Looking at the binary of the file, I see that the index has a copy of all the
>data being indexed.
>1. Is this necassary?
>2. Is there a way to keep the index only in memory and not in the file.

A long time ago I saw index systems (don't remember, perhaps a
mainframe with indexed sequential files), where the B-Tree used
simple 'key compression'. Some encoding scheme which replaces
the key field by a structure (repeat_length, keypart).

Best shown in an example (my keys are 'frank', 'franklin',
'fred', 'google', 'gopher'):

- store the full key 'frank' of the first entry in the page as
- store 'franklin' as (5,lin), meaning: take the first five
characters of the previous key and concatenate the rest.
- store 'fred' as (2,ed)
- store 'google' as (0,google)
- store 'gopher' as (2,pher)

This works nicely for large indexes with long keys and a lot of
repetition. Of course the effort to handle insertions and
deletions is significant.
  (  Kees Nuyt

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