On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 22:10:38 -0500, you wrote:

>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 02:40:22 +0000, drh wrote
>> The BEGIN, ROLLBACK, and/or COMMIT only happen on the outermost
>> "transaction".  Of course, it is kind of silly to nest 
>> as shown above.  But this is useful, for example, when each
>> "db transaction" is really in a separate procedure and the
>> procedures are nested.
>Wow, I didn't know [transaction] nests!  Thanks.  I had written some
>untrustworthy code to only invoke [transaction] on the outermost stack frame;
>it's great to know that I can get rid of it.
>From the documentation:
>"Also, BEGIN does not nest, so you have to make sure no other transactions

Meaning: SQL transactions

> are active before starting a new one. The 'transaction' method takes
> care of all of these details automatically."

And this is about the TCL transaction {} method.

>You might want to be a little bit more clear about the fact that [transaction]
>nests even though BEGIN does not.

The TCL transaction{} can be nested, the SQL BEGIN can't.
As drh wrote:

>> The BEGIN, ROLLBACK, and/or COMMIT only happen
>> on the outermost "transaction".  
  (  Kees Nuyt

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