PostgreSQL has the capability of storing pre-compiled SQL so that it can be reused and have data bound to the compiled statement. I have not looked at the mechanics, but it would be of interest and educational for you to see the PostgreSQL approach.

Sqlite does cache the results of a query. The persistence of that cache varies with the version of Sqlite. It has an optional shared cache mode which can lift performance in appropriate applications. The evolution of cache persistence and sharing in successive versions of Sqlite should give you an insight into the problems of implementing such features.

Uma Krishnan wrote:
Thanks John and Joe for your responses.
As far as I know, Postgres does not have a virtual engine. I could be wrong.

One other question, when a query is issued, does SQLite cache the results, so that future queries can be processed off the cache (I think not)

John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Moreover, is it typical to have an 
implementation like VDBE in other databases as well?

This is a common approach and has been used for a very long time. For example we used it in products produced during the 1980s because producing a virtual machine and a compiler for its application-specific instruction set was a far better solution than masses of procedural logic. At that time it was a time honored technique and not at all innovative.

Look at how PostgreSQL compiles and stores SQL statements for background information on the concept.

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