
How is the best why to retrieve the key of row just inserted? Is secure
to use sqlite3_last_insert_rowid? In my case I have another application
that is also accessing the database. 

Thank you for the help,

Best regards,

Joaquim de Campos Salles

In the documentation(see bellow )


[" This routine returns the rowid of the most recent INSERT into the
database from the database connection given in the first argument. If no
inserts have ever occurred on this database connection, zero is

If an INSERT occurs within a trigger, then the rowid of the inserted row
is returned by this routine as long as the trigger is running. But once
the trigger terminates, the value returned by this routine reverts to
the last value inserted before the trigger fired.

If another thread does a new insert on the same database connection
while this routine is running and thus changes the last insert rowid,
then the return value of this routine is undefined."]

I'm using the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() call to retrieve the key of
row I just inserted (so I can refer to it when I do UPDATE and

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