Hey all,

I'm new to sqlite3, but it seems really cool, and I'm excited to be using it in a project. I'm also new to database programming in C.

I've got a question, though. (I'm using SQLite 3.5.1 and C.) If I've got my database pointer, sqlite3 *database, and I have two threads that are both just finished executing queries, one of which modified 3 rows, the other 4. I then want to know in each thread how many rows were modified. What is the best way to do that?

As per the subject, I thought to do this using sqlite3_exec and sqlite3_changes, but (I think that) I would have to block (using a mutex) to make each sqlite3_exec / sqlite3_changes pair atommic.


    Don L

P.S. - I thought the Goofy Interface Alert (http://www.sqlite.org/ capi3ref.html#sqlite3_step) was quite funny.

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