> I'm trying to improve SELECT queries on a db I created.
> Here's the part I think is relevant:
> SELECT fid, man_fsetid, pmfeature.allele, pmfeature.strand FROM
> featureSet, pmfeature WHERE man_fsetid IN (<LONG LIST HERE>) AND
> pmfeature.fsetid = featureSet.fsetid ORDER BY fid
> That list usually contains 10K or more "man_fsetid" elements.

If it really "usually" contains that many items, I'd suggest using a temporary 
table if it's feasible, then doing a JOIN on that table in your query.  
Something along the lines of:

  SELECT   fid, 
  FROM     featureSet, pmfeature, tempTable t
  WHERE    pmfeature.fsetid = featureSet.fsetid
  AND      pmfeature.man_fsetid = t.man_fsetid
  ORDER BY fid

You'd need to run some benchmarks to see which is really fastest, though.


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