I would like to second the suggestion of Ralf and add a couple
of my own:

1) Modify xOpen interface to:
int ndmOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor, int
update) ;

where 'update' is an additional argument that indicates whether the
context is
for read-only select (0), or update (1), or delete (2).

2) Add a function, 
int sqlite3_value_default_type( sqlite3_value* );

that returns true for v if:
sqlite3_value_type(v) returns SQLITE_NULL and v represents
omitted column from column-list of INSERT statement:

INSERT [OR conflict-algorithm] INTO [database-name .] table-name
[(column-list)] VALUES(value-list) |
INSERT [OR conflict-algorithm] INTO [database-name .] table-name
[(column-list)] select-statement

Suggestion 1 is for virtual table implementations for external data
where record locks need to be set on read in order to do update or

Suggestion 2 allows virtual table implementation to properly choose
setting a column value to NULL or a default value known to the virtual
module .

There is also a VT bug I just submitted (ticket 2759):

select * from VT where X is NULL;

causes assertion failure in bestVirtualIndex().  This is a show-stopper
for VT implementations that allow NULL for unkown column values.

Warm regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ralf Junker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 7:38 AM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] How many virtual table implemenations 
> are there out there?
> >But to do so seems likely to require an incompatible change 
> to the virtual-table interface.
> Could I kindly request an addition to the incompatible change 
> to the virtual-table interface?
> I would very much appreciate a corresponding function to 
>   function xRowID(
>       pCursor: psqlite3_vtab_cursor;
>       pRowID: PInt64): Integer;
> which would notify virtual table implementations that the the 
> SQLite engine no longer uses this particular RowID like, for example:
>   function xRowID_Done(
>       pCursor: psqlite3_vtab_cursor;
>       pRowID: PInt64): Integer;
> The reason behind this is that some DB engines store RowIDs / 
> BookMarks in malloced memory structures. Obviously, they have 
> to be freed when no longer in use. Unfortunately, the current 
> VT interface does not give notice when this is the case. With 
> xRowID_Done, implementations will be able to free malloced 
> memory when no longer needed by SQLite and thus avoid 
> accumulating malloced RowIDs until the table is closed.
> Ralf 
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