If I have data as follows, they wont show up when I try to search for
them.=20 [[[ ]]]=20




@@@ %%%=20

### ^^^=20



[EMAIL PROTECTED]&*()_+|`{}:=14<>?-=3D\[];=12,./=20


@ # $=20

_ - +=20

% ^ &=20


As all the data contains special charcters ,I am replacing them with
SearchS =3D Trim(SearchS)=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "'", "''")=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "[", "[[]")=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "%", "[%]")=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "^", "[^]")=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "#", "[#]")=20

SearchS =3D Replace(SearchS, "_", "[_]")=20

My SQL Query looks like this select * from table_name where name LIKE
'%" & SearchS & "%'=20

eg . If I am trying to search for '%%%' my query will be=20

select * from table_name where name LIKE '% [%][%][%]%'=20

Which is returning zero results.=20

so how should I replace special characters for SQlite.=20


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