Hello RBS,
thanks for your answer. I'am a newbie in "SQLite".
I need a "SQlite" server and i read that the "uSQLite" can do this, and i'am
try to work with this. But i need  something more in VB .NET ?
Or you know other server application ?? Please help me !


> What wrapper are you using now that works good and what is the
> "uSQLiteServer" wrapper?
> > Hello friends,
> > i use this code to work with a  "SQLite" database and works good :
> >
> > Dim cn As New SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\sqlite-3_5_1\tst.db")
> > Dim dr As SQLiteDataReader
> > Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand()
> > cmd.CommandText = "Select * from CFG_USER"
> > cmd.Connection = cn
> > cn.Open()
> > dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
> >
> >  While (dr.Read())
> >    MsgBox(dr.GetValue(0))
> >  End While
> >
> > dr.Close()
> > cn.Close(
> >
> > What changes i must to do, for use the  "uSQLiteServer" wrapper ???
> Please
> > help me !!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paulito
> >
> >
> > **
> >
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