On Nov 25, 2007, at 5:34 PM, Teufel wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am using sqlite 3.3 awhile now for some statistic updates in multithreaded enviroment. Now I would like to move on to 3.5.2 use it more for other tasks too. Since the sqlite db is placed here on a fs, which has a broken fcntl, I disabled it by putting "#define fcntl (A,B,C) 0". As I only use it within the same process with couple of threads, I am doing currently the locking with pthread mutexes like:

each thread  {

              /* worker stuff */
             if new stats did arrive:
            compete on mutex
              -> when lock is acquired, do
                   open database
                   read something (eg sqlite_exec "select ....")
if does not exist, do write (sqlite_exec "insert into table...") close database -> release lock

Of course, this is very simple and serializing everything including open/close of the db image. My question is now, what could I improve with 3.5.x now as it has buildin thread safety for the same database (as mentioned in 34to35) but I did not find how this thread safety is made (using mutexes, rwlock? still fcntl?) I cannot rely on fcntl, so for thread-safety, it's all up to pthread mutexes/rwlock

For threads within the same process, fcntl is broken by design in POSIX.
(You can clearly tell which parts of Unix were invented by Thompson and Richie
and which parts were added later by clueless committees.  Posix advisory
locks belong in the latter category.)  SQLite contains a work-around to
this problem based on pthreads locks.  It should be able to open
multiple connections to the same database within the same process
and use them independently and locking should work correctly.  You
should not have to change anything.  It should just work.

D. Richard Hipp

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