On 11/25/07, Ralf Junker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Imagine that a SQLite3 database opened in a custom application with a 
> registered a collation sequence named "unknown" has created the following 
> table:
>   CREATE TABLE a (b COLLATE unknown);
> Now open this table in the default SQLite3 CLI. Up to here, everything works 
> as expected.
> Now some peculiar observations:

> 2. Running simple queries like "SELECT * FROM a;" work fine. But subselects, 
> in their most basic form and with no sorting or comparisons, do not:
> sqlite> SELECT * FROM a, (SELECT * FROM a);

That's not just a subselect, it's also a join.  Does a subselect on
its own have the same behavior?

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