Ok, I tried to do reset for my statement
and ... got SQLITE_BUSY too!
I.e. sqlite_reset() (and sqlite_finalize() too) returns SQLITE_BUSY,
althought statement seems to become reset and rollback complete
at last.

Now I have a question: is it normal in my case that sqlite_reset()
returns an error, and is it correct to ignore it?

> Hi,

>  Statements will be in progress until you issue an sqlite_reset or
>  sqlite_finalize on them.

>  I don't know why rollback doesn't take care of this; perhaps someone
>  will explain,

>  Rgds,
>  Simon

>  On 23/11/2007, ??????? ???????? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Hi all...
 >> Explain me something please. Consider scenario:
 >>  Connection 1: begin
 >>  Connection 1: update...
 >>  Connection 2: begin
 >>  Connection 2: update...  -> SQLITE_BUSY
 >>  Connection 2: rollback  -> "cannot rollback transaction - SQL
 >> statements in progress"
 >> Why didn't rollback work?
 >> How can I cancel the transaction in connection 2?
 >> P.S. I use SQLite 3.5.1.
 >>     I have read documentation for BEGIN-ROLLBACK and ON CONFLICT.

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