Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The following grammar may be clearer to you:

Yes, it is many thanks! I believe I am making progress! At least I can see the 
picture much clearer now and was able to come up with the following grammar 
with just one conflict unsolved:

  %left NEWLINE.       /* Do these matter here at all? */
  %nonassoc TEXT LINK.
  %left HEADING_END.

  article ::= blocks.

  blocks ::= block.                         /* EOF */
  blocks ::= blocks NEWLINE.                /* EOF */
  blocks ::= blocks NEWLINE NEWLINE block.

  block ::= .                               /* EOF */
  block ::= paragraph.
  block ::= heading.

  heading ::= HEADING_START text HEADING_END.

  paragraph ::= line.
  paragraph ::= paragraph NEWLINE line.

  line ::= text.

  text ::= textpiece.
  text ::= text textpiece.

  textpiece ::= TEXT.
  textpiece ::= LINK.

I of course appreciate any comments ;-) My idea is that

* A block can be either a paragraph or a heading. Multiple blocks are separated 
by two NEWLINEs.

* A paragraph is made up of n >= 1 lines. Each line within a paragraph ends 
with a single NEWLINE. Two NEWLINEs start a new block (see above).

* A line consists of text, which can be TEXT or LINK.

Not all works well with the grammer, and unfortunately I do not understand why. 
Given this input, for example:


the parser gets stuck at

  paragraph ::= paragraph NEWLINE line.

instead of falling back to the line above
  paragraph ::= line.

to find the conditions of a paragraph fulfilled. Why does it not try the other 
alternatives? Or are there none in the grammar?

>Try reading some papers on parsing or search for the book
>"Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" (a.k.a. 
>the dragon book).

I certainly will.

>Also try writing on paper random sequences of tokens and 
>manually parse your grammar to see the conflicts firsthand.

As I throw different token sequences to my experimental parser I am slowly 
starting to make sense of the debugger output.


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