Sreedhar.a wrote:
I have created database using the joins method. My database caontains 4 tables with the Artist(1),Album(2),Genre(or)
BGM(3),Combination of all these and Track names in one table.
I am having 4 tables as follows.


        "create table ALBUM(AlbumId integer primary key,Album text);"

     21     Album1
     22     Album2
     23     Album3

*        "create table ARTIST(ArtistId integer primary key,Artist text);"

    10     Madonna
    11     Artist1


        "create table BGM(BgmId integer primary key,Bgm text);"

    31     rock
    32     pop


        "create table MUSIC(Id integer primary key,AlbumName
text,Album_TypeId integer,ArtistName text,Artist_TypeId integer,BgmName
text,Bgm_TypeId integer);"

    1       Album1     21    Madonna    10    rock     31
    2       Album2     22    Madonna    10    pop      32
If we want to delete a particular Artist from ARTIST table.
I need to delete all the records corresponding with that artist name in
MUSIC table also and we need to check for the albums and Genre(BGM) in Music
are not present after deleting that particular Artist and delete the records
in ALBUM and  BGM Table .
Consider I have an Artist Madonna in ARTIST table. the user wants to delete
Madonna artist.
Currently, 1.We are deleting Madonna in ARTIST table.
                2.Weare first reading the album ids of Madonna and Bgm id's
of Madonna in one buffer and then we are deleting that Artist Madonna in the
MUSIC table.
                3.Now we will check wheather that Album ids and BGM ids in
buffer is still present in MUSIC table.If it does not present we will delete
it in the ALBUM and BGM table.If it still exists we wont delete it in ALBUM
and BGM table.
But if we do like this we got the desired result but buffer size is
incresing if records are increasing.
Is there any other method to solve deletion in multiple table.
Can anyone of you suggest how i can do the deletion. Best Regards,

I would first suggest that you normalize your database. By that I mean, remove the redundant copies of the artist name, album name, and BGM name from the music table.

Given these tables:

        create table ALBUM(AlbumId integer primary key, Album text);
        create table ARTIST(ArtistId integer primary key, Artist text);
        create table BGM(BgmId integer primary key, Bgm text);

Your music table should probably look something like this:

        create table MUSIC(
Id integer primary key, AlbumId integer references ALBUM, ArtistId integer references ARTIST, BgmId integer references BGM

Now you can generate a table of results much like your previous music table by joining these tables like this:

       select Album, Artist, Bgm
       from MUSIC
       join ALBUM using AlbumId
       join ARTIST using ArtistId
       join BGM using BgmId;

The one thing to note here is that even though I have indicated that the *Id fields are foreign keys in the Music table by adding the references clause, SQLite does not do anything with that information. It is basically a comment for human readers.

You can add triggers to the database that will automatically ensure referential integrity. With these triggers defined, SQLite will handle the the cascaded deletes for you. This means that it will automatically delete all music by an artist when that artist is deleted. You can get more info on these triggers at

Your code won't need to do these deletes and it won't need buffer space to store intermediate results you are using to do the deletes manualy.

Dennis Cote

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