Robert Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After spending some time trying various methods to optimize the performance
> of SQLite for an ARM-based application, I've come across a technology called
> DeviceSQL. The developers of DeviceSQL (Encirq) claim it has 5x the
> performance of SQLite and they are putting on a webinar on Dec. 13th to go
> into details.
> I like SQLite, but has anyone tried or benchmarked DeviceSQL for an embedded
> application? Also, has anyone found a way to integrate a custom indexing
> methods into SQLite?

I've been trying to find out more about Encirq and DeviceSQL
for years.  They have a very agressive marketing organization
that plays fast and loose with the facts.  But other than this,
I haven't been able to learn much.  Various web searches turn
up nothing that isn't either written directly by Encirq or
at least ghost-written by Encirq.  I have never seen an
independent 3rd-party evaluation of their product.  If anybody
is really using it, they have choosen not to blog about it.

DeviceSQL is very different from SQLite.  It is not a 
general-purpose SQL database engine.  From what I understand,
you enter SQL on your workstation.  DeviceSQL then generates
C-code that implements that SQL.  Then you compile the C-code
on your device.  If you database schema changes, you have to
regenerate the code and recompile your application.

BTW, Encirq used to purchase Google ads claiming that DeviceSQL
was 20x faster than SQLite.  I don't know why they reduced that
claim to 5x.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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