Christian Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...
> > The warnings all have to do with the fact that you are
> > compiling on a machine with 64-bit pointers and 32-bit
> > integers.  The warnings are all harmless and the code
> > works as intended as long as
> > 
> >      sizeof(int) <= sizeof(void*)
> > 
> > Perhaps a reader can suggest ways of eliminating these
> > warnings.
> What about using the ptrdiff_t type in those places instead.

Is ptrdiff_t implemented on all C compiler environments that
SQLite builds on?

Also, will it really eliminate the warnings.  In several places
we are storing a (32-bit) integer in a pointer.

     p = (char*)i;

And then later we get the integer back out:

     i = (int)p;

If we change to ptrdiff_t, then we have:

     p = (char*)(ptrdiff_t)i;  /* Convoluted, but works */
     i = (int)(ptrdiff_t)p;    /* Still get a warning? */

In the conversion from pointer back to integer, don't we still
get a warning about casting a 64-bit integer into a 32-bit
integer?  (I don't know because I do not have a 64-bit machine
easily at hand to test it on.)

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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