On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 15:17:27 +0100, Lothar Behrens

>Am 29.12.2007 um 13:59 schrieb Kees Nuyt:
>> Hi Lothar,
>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 13:13:04 +0100, Lothar Behrens
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The only implementation I'm aware of is the one using triggers,
>> but the creation is not implemented as an extension.
>> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ForeignKeyTriggers
>> http://www.sqlite.org/contrib (second entry)
>> http://www.justatheory.com/computers/databases/sqlite/ 
>> foreign_key_triggers.html
>> http://www.rcs-comp.com/site/index.php/view/Utilities- 
>> SQLite_foreign_key_trigger_generator
>>> Thanks, Lothar
>In general this will help. But I have encountered a problem:
>create table IF NOT EXISTS regressiontest (
>       id int primary key,
>       test char(100)
>create table IF NOT EXISTS test (
>       id int primary key,
>       id_reg int,
>       constraint fk_reg foreign key (id_reg) references regression (id)
>First problem (propably only in sqliteman):
>The statement could not be executed at once ??

Better try it in the sqlite3 command line tool.
That's common ground to everyone of us.

>Second problem:
>The constraint is really ignored. 
>(Referencing a non existent table)

Indeed it is ignored. the syntax is parsed, that's all.

>I have no idea how to catch this while creating the 
>tables (triggers are not possible on system tables).

You have several options:

1- Add the required CREATE TRIGGER statements
   to the schema source by hand.
   (easiest, that's what I do)

2- Build a tool which parses the schema when you
   create a database and generates the required 
   CREATE TRIGGER statements before you pipe 
   the CREATE statements into the database.
   (relatively easy)

3- Build a tool which parses the schema when you
   open a database and CREATE the triggers if
   they aren't in place.
   (more difficult) 

4- Change the SQLite source to implement 
   foreign key constraints yourself.
   (very hard)

5- Wait until it is implemented in SQLite.
   Implementing foreign key constraints is on the ToDo
   list of the developers
   (my way)

>I may create a consistency check while opening the database.

That's too late, the database would already be inconsistent.
You really need to implement the FK constraint, using triggers
or otherwise.

>Any ideas on this ?

You could create a hook on every schema change (look for updates
of sqlite_master in the sqlite library source) which checks if
the required triggers are already CREATEd and if not, create

>Thanks, Lothar

  (  Kees Nuyt

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