Hello Igor,

Friday, January 18, 2008, 8:09:02 PM, you wrote:

IT> Lothar Scholz
IT> <scholz-qqUfbLNYxjJCkLs28/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> it seems that "Lothar" is stored as a TEXT value but when i store
>> X'4C6F74686172' it is a BLOB.
>> What is the reason for it?

IT> Same reason 1 is an integer literal but '1' is a string literal. 
IT> X'4C6F74686172' is a blob literal.

Sorry as far as i understand the dynamics of datatypes they should
depend on the bytes that are passed but not on the literal that
is used for notation inside a textual SQL statement.

Another question, how would you realiable represent contrl characters
in the range 1-31 in a string? It is not really good to add them as
plain code in text files and SQLite does not have C like backslash
quoting. Especially the automatic %R%N->%N conversions might be a huge
problem. And i don't think we should restrict the TEXT data type to
anything more then non zero bytes.

IT> What do you mean, data content? How is it supposed to know that a 
IT> particular sequence of bytes is supposed to represent a string, without
IT> the help of mind-reading hardware? After all, you don't expect the 
IT> number 48 to be magically interpreted as a string '0'. You don't, right?

Well if it looks like a number it is a number. If it does not look
like a number it is either a TEXT or if it contains zero (or maybe non text
control characters others then usually defined \f \v \r \n) it is a
BLOB. This would make sense for me.

IT> Use parameterized queries and approprite sqlite3_bind_* calls. This way
IT> you unambiguously control the type of the value.

I have to use for portability reasons UTF-8 sql text files. So i can't
use a programming langauge API.

Best regards,
 Lothar Scholz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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