Hello all,

I've read http://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html but am still not sure about
multithread and locking in 3.5.4. 

I have a multithread application that has a single connection to a single
SQLite3 database. Since it's multithreaded, SQL statements are thrown to
a single SQLite3 object concurrently. I'm using
on VC8 + WindowsXP.

Prior to this version (I was using SQLite2) I'd serialized all these database 
using critical sections and didn't care about SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_LOCKED
since they never happen. It was very simple as I didn't need to implement access
retry for a busy case.

However, I learned that SQLite 3.5 does mutexing by default. So I removed
all synchronization stuff in my SQLite access code, and now it seems
it's not working as I intended. Unfortunately I can't reproduce it in my
development environment and I've not yet implemented logging to see
if it's due to SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_LOCKED. I saw it's entering
sqlite3_mutex_enter multiple times in the debugger though, so it's thread-safe
at least.

My question is,

1. Do I still have to synchronize all SQLite access in my client code not to
encounter SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_LOCKED? (Or is there any better way?)

2. If so, how can I turn off all these mutexes (critical sections) in SQLite 
They are needless if I serialize all SQLite access in the client code.


-- sword

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