On Jan 20, 2008 11:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Alexander Batyrshin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > I've discover performance degradation due to update 3.3.17 -> 3.5.4.
> > This SQL query work very slowly:
> >
> >       population_stamp
> >     WHERE
> >       town_id IN (
> >         SELECT DISTINCT town_id FROM population_stamp
> >         EXCEPT
> >         SELECT id FROM town
> >       );
> >
> I'll bet it will go a lot faster in both 3.3.17 and 3.5.4 if
> you omit the DISTINCT operator.  EXCEPT implies DISTINCT anyway,
> so you are not losing anything.  But SQLite does not optimize
> out redundant DISTINCTs so it is computing the DISTINCT twice.

It's faster only for 3.5.4, but still slowly for 3.3.17 (time in
seconds: us - user, sy - system)
3.5.4  +DISTINCT: 5.474us 0.287sy
3.5.4  -DISTINCT: 3.397us 0.259sy
3.3.17 -DISTINCT: 4.129us 0.228sy
3.3.17 +DISTINCT: 2.959us 0.180sy

These is timing example for my small testing database. With real
database difference will be more visible.

Alexander Batyrshin aka bash
bash = Biomechanica Artificial Sabotage Humanoid

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