Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SQLite seems to do the following:
> The glob syntax supports the following patterns:
>       ? - matches any single character
>       * - matches zero or more characters
>       [seq] - matches any single character in seq
>       [!seq] - matches any single character not in seq
> seq is one or more characters, such as abc. You may specify character 
> ranges using a dash. For example, a-z0-9 specifies all of the characters 
> in the English alphabet and the decimal digits 0 through 9.
> This appears to be slightly different than normal *nix globbing since 
> SQLite uses '^' rather than '!' for the set inversion (if my reading of 
> the source is correct).

GLOB is suppose to exactly mimic Unix, except that SQLite does not
break pattern matching at / boundaries the way the shell does.
So if the previous statement is true, it is a bug.

> It is not clear how you should escape these characters if you need to 
> match them literally. It may not be possible, since these characters are 
> not allowed in filenames and hence wouldn't need to be matched by *nix 
> commands.

Unix allows *any* characters in filenames except \000 and /.  You
can escape characters using [..].  To match a * anywhere in a string,
for example:

    x GLOB '*[*]*'

The [..] pattern must contain at least one internal character.  So
to match a "]" you can use the pattern

    x GLOB '*[]]*'

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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