Hello Clark,
I am using Apache + Fast-CGI :)
But my next move will be to mod_perl.
Currently I have only idea to use something like
Cache::SharedMemoryCache or Cache::Memcached for implementing caching
inside my application.
What are you thinking about this?
If you have any interesting ideas or knowledge - it'll be great if you
share it with me.

On Jan 24, 2008 6:06 PM, Clark Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think you're going to get the kind of caching you want using Perl and 
> a web server (Apache, right?).  There's just no persistence across processes, 
> no shared memory, no database connections.
> Now, Apache's mod_perl and some associated modules could get you all that and 
> more.  For me, anyway, it requires a big adjustment in the way you build your 
> apps if you want to take advantage of the shared $dbh, shared variables, and 
> caching.  For me, the investment isn't quite worth the benefit.
>  -Clark

Alexander Batyrshin aka bash
bash = Biomechanica Artificial Sabotage Humanoid

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