Hello Bharath Booshan L,

yes, with SQLiteSpy you can do this:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (id integer primary key, filepath text);
insert into t values (1, '/Volumes/Backup/MyMovies/MyMovie.mp4');
insert into t values (2, '/Volumes/Backup/MyMovies/Hello.mp4');
insert into t values (3, '/Volumes/Tiger/MyMovie.mov');
select * from t where filepath regexp '/MyMovie(\.[^\.]+)*$';


> I have to perform a search something similar to this
>  ID     FilePath
>   1      /Volumes/Backup/MyMovies/MyMovie.mp4
>   2      /Volumes/Backup/MyMovies/Hello.mp4
>   3      /Volumes/Tiger/MyMovie.mov
>Search for file name MyMovie should retrieve
>   ID     FilePath
>   1      /Volumes/Backup/MyMovies/MyMovie.mp4
>   3      /Volumes/Tiger/MyMovie.mov
>To simplify, I am searching for a file name from a collection of absolute
>file paths.
>How can I achieve this in SQLite?
>Is there anyways I can use regular expression in a query to perform string

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