This is mainly a SQL syntax question but I am using the SQL for creating
views in SQLite database files.

Basic question: What is the proper SQL syntax for "Left Outer Joins" for 1
primary with N secondary (support) tables; I have come up with 2
possibilities that work but not sure which one is better or more efficient.
It is best to explain with an actual example from the system under

Primary Table:

- UserNumber (Primary Key)
- UserTypeKey (Foreign Key)
- UserName
- UserStatusKey (Foreign Key)
- Password
- PasswordHint

Secondary Tables:

- UserTypeKey (Primary Key)
- UserType

- UserStatusKey (Primary Key)
- UserStatus

You can probably guess where I am going next, but I am creating a "UserView"
where the "UserType" and "UserStatus" text fields are "joined" from the
respective tables, the foreign keys in the UserTable could be NULL hence the
need for "Left Outer Joins".

Version #1:
SELECT UserNumber, UserType, UserName, UserStatus, Password, PasswordHint
FROM (SELECT UserNumber, UserType, UserName, UserStatusKey, Password,
PasswordHint FROM UserTable LEFT JOIN UserTypeTable USING(UserTypeKey)) LEFT
JOIN UserStatusTable USING(UserStatusKey)

Version #2:
CREATE VIEW UserView AS SELECT UserNumber, UserType, UserName, UserStatus,
Password, PasswordHint
FROM UserTable
LEFT JOIN UserTypeTable ON UserTable.UserTypeKey=UserTypeTable.UserTypeKey
LEFT JOIN UserStatusTable ON

- How would you do what I am trying to do?
- Are these SELECT queries equivalent? Probably not as version 1 has a
sub-select query so this is a "2 pass" query, but is version 1 done in "1
pass" or "2 passes"?
- Is version 2 more efficient?
- For some reason, in version 2 I could not use the "USING" shortcut when
the joined fields had the same name so had to explicitly use the "ON" as
shown above, anybody know why?

Any feedback/help is much appreciated - thanks,
Scott McDonald

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