Am Wed, 30 Jan 2008 17:04:17 -0700 schrieb Dennis Cote:

> > What if I like e.g. to write each table row into a file in one
> > line? I need to know when a row is finished and the next begins. I
> > could compare azColName, but I hope there is a better way.
> > 
> Andreas,
> Your readCallback function will be called once for each row in the 
> result of your query.
> The argc value tells you how many fields there are in the row.
> The argv array contains pointers to the string representation of each 
> filed in the row, there is one string for each of the argc fields. If
> a field is null then its string pointer (in argv) will be NULL).

Oh, you're right. I didn't notice that. What is if the cell format is
Number or BLOB? Does sqlite convert it always to char?

And how do I find out the cell type?


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