wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> rc = sqlite3_create_function16(db, L"TimeToHms", 1, SQLITE_ANY, NULL,
> &sqliteTimeToHms, NULL, NULL);
> Which returns SQLITE_OK, then later I have this query
> wstring testSql = L" select TimeToHms(time)"
> L" from meta_data_master"
> L" where meta_data_master.id <= 100";
> And try to execute it:
> sqlite3_prepare16_v2(db, &testSql[0] ,-1, &pStmt,&pzTail);
> And get the error message "no such function: TimeToHms"

Do you pass the same connection handle both to sqlite3_create_function16 
and to sqlite3_prepare16_v2? Functions are registered per-connection. I 
don't see anything wrong in your code otherwise.

Igor Tandetnik 

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