P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sqlite> select * from node limit 3;
> node_id     node_type   node_name      node_confidence
> ----------  ----------  -------------  ---------------
> 1           ACT         Mike Garrison  0.99932
> 2           ACT         Pat Cox        0.999193
> 3           ACT         Steve Weise    0.999149
> sqlite> select count(*) from node;
> count(*)
> ----------
> 17046
> sqlite> select * from edge limit 3;
> edge_id     from_node   to_node     edge_confidence  edge_type
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ----------
> 1           Barry       Webster     0.998918         aa
> 2           Barry       Wright      0.998896         aa
> 3           Barton      Webster     0.998561         aa
> sqlite> select count(*) from edge;
> count(*)
> ----------
> 19252
> sqlite> select e.edge_id, n1.node_id AS from_node_id
>   ...> from edge e join node n1 on
>   ...> e.from_node = n1.node_name limit 3;
> edge_id     from_node_id
> ----------  ------------
> 1           3840
> 2           3840
> 3           7230
> sqlite> select count(*) from edge e join node n1 on e.from_node =
> n1.node_name; count(*)
> ----------
> 21632
> sqlite>
> My intuition says that the row count from the last select should not
> be more than 19,252,

... unless you have multiple node records with the same node_name. Which 
you do.

Igor Tandetnik 

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