I have a table of nodes and edges like so

      edge_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
      from_node_id TEXT,
      to_node_id TEXT,
      node_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
      node_name TEXT,

Given a $node_id, I want to find (a) all the edges where that node_id
appears either as a from_node_id or a to_node_id, and (b) a count of
the forward links as well. For (a), I do the following

      SELECT node_id, node_name
      FROM (
        SELECT e.to_node_id AS node_id, n.node_name AS node_name
        FROM edge e JOIN node n ON e.to_node_id = n.node_id
        WHERE e.from_node_id = $node_id
        SELECT e.from_node_id AS node_id, n.node_name AS node_name
        FROM edge e JOIN node n ON e.from_node_id = n.node_id
        WHERE e.to_node_id = $node_id

For (b), I can't think of any better way than looping over the result
of (a), and running the following query for each node_id in the result
(in this case, each node_id will be the forward looking node for the
original node_id). Psuedo-code ahead

foreach node_id AS $other_node_id in result-of-a
      SELECT Count(node_id) AS count_of_other_node_id
      FROM (
        SELECT e.to_node_id AS node_id, n.node_name AS node_name
        FROM edge e JOIN node n ON e.to_node_id = n.node_id
        WHERE e.from_node_id = $other_node_id
        SELECT e.from_node_id AS node_id, n.node_name AS node_name
        FROM edge e JOIN node n ON e.from_node_id = n.node_id
        WHERE e.to_node_id = $other_node_id

My questions -- is there a way to do both (a) and (b) better, and is
it possible to do them all in one query?

Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) http://www.osgeo.org/
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