On Feb 16, 2008 7:08 PM, Sam Carleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This might be a really basic question and it might be PHP related, not
> SQLite, I am not sure...
> I know that the traditional way to do a delete would be this:
> DELETE FROM users WHERE ipaddress = ''
> But I have also seen syntax where the actual statement does NOT
> contain the '' but rather a ? and then the value is set as
> a parameter on, in my case,  PDO object.  It is my understanding that
> using the ? is much more secure then the traditional way above.  Where
> might I go to learn more about the ? way of doing a delete?

It is not any more secure, just more foolproof.  You don't have to
worry about injection attacks and it might even be faster, especially
if you re-use the statement.

Cory Nelson
sqlite-users mailing list

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