At 16:25 18/02/2008, you wrote:
>I am new to SQLite and databases, so I am stil learning how to
>optimize their use...
>I am working on a "shopping cart" type of feature, it is actually a
>favorites feature for a system that displays images in multiple
>galleries.  There is a SQLite table that contains the user_id,
>gallery_id, and image_id.  When a index page is displayed, only a sub
>set of the images in the gallery are displayed.  So the question is
>what will be faster:
>1: Doing a SELECT for each image on the favorites table to see if it 
>is selected
>2: Doing one SELECT to get all the images for the current gallery and
>store that into a PHP array and then simply look in the PHP for each
>My thought is option 2.  Is that correct?

My thought is that it would depend.

I'd guess that If you have 100 images, and you are wanting to show 
20, then (2) may be quicker, but if you have 1,000,000 images, then 
(1) would be quicker. (Assuming you have a usable index on the table).

Leaving aside possible database design considerations, it's generally 
best to let the database engine do the work if it can.

With SQLite, I'd qualify that to say that it's best to let SQLite do 
the work if the queries are simple enough that its optimiser will use 
indices to do the work. We have found that it can be quicker to do 
things partially in SQLite and partially in C++. When SQLite would 
have to do a sequential scan to get the result, it can be quicker to 
do, say, two indexed scans in SQLite and then operate on the two 
result sets (eg doing a union or intersect) to produce the final 
result set, but this is the exception rather than the rule (for us anyway).

Paul Smith

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