I need to create tables on the fly which will persist across sessions.
These tables may or may not already exist.

Calling sqlite3_exec( "create table ..." ) for a table which already
exists returns SQLITE_ERROR, which I assume can be returned for a range
of different errors. You can check the szError string to determine the
precise error, but this will fall down if the error text is ever
changed, so I'm reluctant to do this. Further it doesn't seem right to
try and create a table that already exists.

So my solution is do do a query:
 select name, from sqlite_master where type='table' and name=table_name;
and check the result before attempting to create the table.

My question is what do other folks do here? Is my solution a good one?

Best regards,
  Neville Franks, http://www.surfulater.com http://blog.surfulater.com

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