On Feb 23, 2008, at 9:15 PM, Sam Carleton scarleton-at- 
miltonstreet.com |sqlite| wrote:

> How do I compile a C program to use the shared DLL rather then
> statically link in SQLite?
Good question; the DLL download only has the DEF file and the DLL, but  
you normally need an export LIB file to link against. You do an  
explicit LoadLibrary I suppose, and use GetProcAddress calls to get  
the function pointers.

Alternatively, you could just use the amalgamation version: it's  
one .h and one .c, and you'll need the .h even if you do use the DLL  
(unless you want to extern everything). It will also make your  
debugging easier, since you'll be able to step into the sqlite code.
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