> I asked a very similar question a few weeks ago and got a very 
> precise answer. You should search for that.

Thanks for the pointer!  It is good to learn that a new sorter is 
under development.  But I think my problem is a little different 
than yours.  I think I have run into what can be called a bug, but 
since I'm on 3.4.2 and a new sorter is planned anyway, I won't dig 
too deep into this.  I have found a workaround, which is to 
increase cache_size.  I'll discuss my experience briefly to help 

You might say that it's my fault if I specify an insufficient 
cache_size, but I think that (1) I shouldn't really need to 
specify this in a "zero configuration" database engine, and (2) 
the behaviour is exceptional.  Even with a smaller than optimal 
cache_size, a sorting algorithm should be able to achieve 
something instead of grinding to a "dynamic halt".  And if it 
needs to give up, it should announce this and return an error 
rather than keep trashing for hours.

Since SQLite is advertised as a "zero configuration" database 
engine, the need to manually specify a cache_size to perform large 
sorts is a bit of a surprise.  Other "zero configuration" 
applications such as Emacs, OpenOffice or Firefox don't require 
the user to specify the limits for memory allocation.

The default cache_size (in SQLite 3.4.2) is indeed 2000.  
Increasing this above 1000000 (one million) solved my problem.  
It takes 12 minutes to build my index, and the resulting database 
file is roughly 1 GB larger than before.  My CPU uses one of its 
two cores at 100% for 12 minutes, and then outputs the result 
quite fast.  But if I set cache_size to X percent of one million, 
it takes X percent of 12 minutes before full CPU utilization turns 
into a near halt.

Here's how time(1) reports the real (wallclock), user and system 
time, for different values of cache_size:

cache_size      real            user            sys
2000            for ever?       -               -
800000          for ever?       -               -
850000          28m52.573s      12m3.230s       0m14.580s
900000          21m1.038s       12m6.980s       0m12.710s
920000          17m47.512s      12m6.350s       0m11.770s
960000          13m58.901s      12m6.630s       0m9.810s
1000000         12m27.358s      12m0.960s       0m9.950s
1500000         12m32.865s      12m7.890s       0m9.890s
2000000         12m36.062s      12m9.070s       0m10.740s
5000000         14m7.099s       12m1.980s       0m12.950s

The amount of user process CPU time required is constant at 12 
minutes and a few seconds.  The difference for smaller values of 
cache_size is the unproductive wallclock time spent in I/O wait.

Below is the output from "vmstat 15", when the limit of cache_size 
(insufficiently set to 500000) is hit (after roughly 6 minutes).  
Before the hit, the system uses 50% of its time to run user 
processes (cpu:us) and is 50% idle (cpu:id), because only one of 
two CPU cores is used.  Data is read from disks (io:bi) and almost 
nothing is written (io:bo).

After the limit is hit (fifth line), disk writes start (io:bo) and 
CPU time is used in iowait (cpu:wa) while CPU time for user 
processes falls to near zero.  No swapping occurs and memory usage 
is not affected.

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa
 2  0  30600 102596   4976 2737000    0    0  1986     2   34   83 50  0 50  0
 1  0  30600 104240   4996 2735356    0    0  1974     2   37   87 50  0 50  0
 1  0  30600 105280   5016 2734400    0    0  2034     2   36   85 50  0 50  0
 1  0  30600 105016   5524 2734328    0    0  2035     3   38   90 50  0 50  0
 0  4  30600 104068   5496 2735380    0    0   854  5505  659  170 21  2 40 37
 0  2  30600 104572   5488 2735196    0    0   686  4421  545  183 16  2 19 63
 0  3  30600 103844   5512 2729000    0    0   489  3012  472  165 12  1 24 63
 1  4  30600 104960   5844 2728328    0    0   458  2598  460  672 29  4 22 46
 0  3  30600 104788   5844 2733556    0    0   292  3531  492  149 11  1 46 42
 1  2  30600 103788   5848 2734940    0    0   383  2241  376  155  9  1 33 57
 0  6  30600 102488   5860 2736472    0    0   222  2605  430  135  6  1 15 79
 1  3  30600 104104   5876 2734608    0    0   311  1962  427  174  8  1  9 82
 0  4  30600 103084   5864 2736072    0    0   220  2233  394  149  5  1 13 81

With half of the CPU work remaining to be done, but only 5% (and 
falling) of the available CPU power devoted to this, the job will 
take very long.

  Lars Aronsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se
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